The Department Secret Sauces: Malhar Superlatives

There’s a peculiarity to every department where they pull off Herculean feats to relive the grandeur of Malhar. But let’s face it, behind every smooth operation is a team that’s a blend of caffeine- fuelled insanity and a mayhem that never subsides with each department facing odds that eventually turn into quirks and superlatives that cannot go amiss. Be it management, events, or networking their eccentrics reflect the essence of their departments in ways that are both humorous and passionate! 

Marketing: They are the ‘Phone Call Aficionados’. Their superpower? Mastering the art of conversation. Need to secure a last-minute sponsor while coordinating with the DJ and negotiating with food vendors? The Marketing team handles it all like the Jack-of-all-trades. They are always on the lookout for sponsors. Quite well aware that if they snooze, they lose. Each call is a secret negotiation mission. Plus, the endless notifications and constant buzzing of their phones don’t let them get away. 

Admin: Picture this: it’s 3 AM, and while the rest of the campus is blissfully unaware of the chaos, Admin is wide awake with 200 spreadsheet tabs open, each one meticulously tracking whether or not the RnR is crisp. We’ll let you in on a secret, they have a tab for every mishap you commit so, beware! 

Indian Performing Arts: Where every day is a quest to find the perfect raag, and “just one more rehearsal” is practically their motto. IPA is most likely to find art in every tangible entity they come across. Always endeavoring to cheer someone up? Fear not, IPA will always make you break into dance too!

Decor n Merchandise: These are the magicians who turn trash into treasure, all while dodging glitter explosions and glue gun mishaps. They’re real-life alchemists, converting discarded items into bedazzling displays that make you wonder if they’ve secretly been to Hogwarts for a crash course in magic. Perpetually found near the Hogwarts staircase, quite literally showing us all their knacks. They definitely likely to get back aches with all the backdrop sakes!

Filming anDocumentation: The true VIPs of the fest who hold the coveted all-access pass. If you’ve ever wondered who’s always around, capturing every moment, both rehearsed and unexpected, it’s these intrepid documentarians, who have a knack for being in the right place at the right time (or perhaps in all the wrong places, just for the fun of it). 

Fine Arts: They’re most likely to be found being yelled at by their mother for all the paint on their clothes. FA could probably paint with nothing but coffee stains and old newspaper, yet still create a rainbow. They are most likely to be our future Da Vinci’s, keeping their audiences in complete in awe of their artistic nuances!

Literary Arts: They are the plot twist to any party — just when you think you’ve figured out the schedule, the Literary Arts team swoops in to turn everything upside down. Whether it’s a surprise guest appearance, an unexpected twist in the tale of Malhar, or a last-minute script change that leaves everyone guessing, LA is always at your bay to fire in the chaos. 

Assistance: They are the glue that holds the fest together, ensuring that everything runs like a well-oiled machine, even if it means they sometimes become victims of its friction. Need an emergency runner to fetch last-minute supplies?  They are on it! Even if they occasionally get mistaken for the “Judge Block Squad!” 

Security: The stalwart defenders of order amidst the fest’s chaotic crowds and never-ending chants. Horn blowers and crowd-controlling champions, security is here to brace any and all the chaos in the sea of enthusiastic audiences! No matter what, they definitely leave behind (stamps) their marks wherever they go. With no doubt, security is perpetually in scrutiny!

Public Relations: The Doom-Scrolling Diplomats, where every phone buzz and social media ping is a call to action. Living life one scroll at a time, their knack for turning potential disasters into PR (W) wins is nothing short of miraculous—whether it’s handling a minor mishap or spinning a surprise guest appearance into a major headline and their crisis-averting press releases!

As we close the book on our secret sauces this year let’s take a moment to appreciate the true MVPs of the event—the ones who turn chaos into confetti and celebration. This Malhar awaits the most unexpected from all departments—turn your journey into a core memory! May these department (stereotypes) superlatives intrigue you and reiterate that Malhar is nothing less than a spectacular of eccentricities and gaping mysteries!

One response to “The Department Secret Sauces: Malhar Superlatives”

  1. Farheena shaikh Avatar
    Farheena shaikh

    I like malhar fest

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