Malhar In Memoriam: “From Graffiti to Curios”

We’ve been hiding behind these creaks, this little door welcomes you to a place where the tangible meets the intangible! Each wall feels like stepping into a living scrapbook, weaving every mishap into a journey. The MOffice holds stories and a treasure trove of laughs where time revisits itself.  In this tiny cubicle, there’s been nothing but a whole lot of self accreditation through the OC AND OG DOODLES, storing the time capsules of the bygones. This isn’t merely an ergonomic workstation; it’s a tradition locked away after mid-august that has been carrying these memoirs since 1973.

The camaraderie,the faces that stay with you  for a lifetime, scurrying around campus with the urgency of squirrels in a nut shortage-our core committee never forgets to leave a mark. They are the Holy Grail ,screaming and crying,creating perfect storms into their phones as if negotiating world peace, occasionally colliding with each other in a flurry of hurried apologies while earnestly inking their names on these very walls. Each department holds a divine intervention of sorts, coming in on their walkies soon!

We hope you make acquaintances with the grandparent mixer and the heirloom brochures that serve as a pedestal of heavenly guidelines, and the rather materialist AC that’s cursed for it to breaks-down, each time you desire an escape from the drenching heat. The speakerphone that hauls wild amidst the chaotic crowd and puddles in his super deluxe rest mode. The so-called miscellaneous tangibles don’t seem like a lone wolves anymore don’t they? Each of them settle into our hearts, and the everlasting memories we create through them.

The last artifact of the MOffice, the warped door under the Hogwarts staircase,bids you goodbye, waiting rather desperately for a promotion this Malhar.We hope you fulfill its dying wish by becoming its loyal patron. Unfortunately, this virtual museum tour has come to an end and yet to widen your eyes, Malhar lives  on, nurturing us into bolder, quicker spectacles that await  the unexpected. Join us in this folly of collecting antiques and adding to  the vintage aesthetics of this office. The MOffice unapologetically  encourages you to look for meaning in the most mundane tangibles. 

And remember, every corner of the MOffice has a story to tell and a laugh to share. So, grab what you hold close, your knack for adventure, and maybe a toolkit for that damn AC. Let’s add a dash of mischief to the magic, some unforgettable antics, and the timeless spirit of Malhar! 

One response to “Malhar In Memoriam: “From Graffiti to Curios””

  1. What a beautiful website and even more enchanting article, the place that makes the dhamaka we see <3

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