What Archetype Is Your Department? | Management Edition

The way all good stories consist of a diverse set of characters from a wide spectrum of personalities, so does Malhar. It’s no secret that every department has a distinct identity of its own. In this rich and varied spectacle, here’s how every department contributes to the plot

  1. Technicals: The Mad Scientist

The texx department cooks up nothing short of magic by making all our fairytale fantasies come alive. Whether an event demands ethereal lighting to set the mood or a reverberating sound system to get the crowd going, these geniuses have just the wires for all our needs!

  1. Logistics: The Magician

Logistics has arguably one of the most challenging tasks: organizing everything. This department  has harnessed the ways of the universe to unlock our fullest potential i.e. how to maximize space and not be victims of Bombay’s torrential August rains. 

  1. Security: The Guardian

This one is as self-explanatory as it gets. All hail our protectors! Security continually supports us and makes sacrifices on our behalf, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

  1. Marketing: The Warrior

White shirts and ties. Formal business cards. Endless meetings promising top-notch deliverables. No one pours their blood, sweat and tears into fighting for sponsorships the way Marketing does. The unsung backbone of this fest, they bring all the cool brands to the quad!

  1. Hospitality: The Ally

Every great hero needs a great ally. Harry had Ron. Sherlock had Watson. Malhar has Hospitality who relentlessly provides encouragement as we head towards our goal. They smoothen things over, provide a crutch and help everyone breathe a little easier. 

  1. Finance: The Ruler

Heavy is the head that wears the crown — no one knows this better than Finance. Holding responsibility over the entire Malhar-dom, Finance controls the workings (and wallets) of this grand fest. From their Excel Sheets to meticulous calculations, these guys are on top of it all.

  1. Assistance: The Vigilante

Malhar is known for being jam-packed — so jam-packed, in fact, Google Maps marked the road around Xavier’s red. Crowd and venue management is no joke (have you tried maneuvering through the Hall during Malhar Studio?), and Assistance takes justice into their own hands, ensuring no one gets hurt.

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